Little angels everywhere
Spreading love to and fro
Twinkling stars of shiny gold
Landing on the glistening snowCurious animals watching near
See the angel spread her cheer
"Is this for us" they wonder why
God sent an angel from the sky
Stately trees like diamonds shine
In the morning light
Birds of red watch from the branch
To see this angel smile
For God does love us this we know
All animals large and small
Birds that fly up in the sky
And fish deep in the sea
As he sent down this little angel
To comfort you and me
So we say Happy Birthday Jesus
From your little friends on earth
Written by Judy N. Marquart
December 8, 2003 ~ copyrighted

White Christmas was written by Irving Berlin, for a 1942 movie "Holiday Inn" starring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. Bing introduced "White Christmas" to the public on his NBC radio show, the Kraft Music Hall, December 25, 1941. Apparently, no complete transcription of this broadcast survived the War, although one low-quality aircheck (recorded from a radio) has survived of Bing singing "White Christmas." Bing recorded the song for Decca on May 29, 1942, with the John Scott Trotter Orchestra. "Holiday Inn" was released in August.
"White Christmas," a song of peace and yearning for "the ones we used to know," was released to a war-torn public during the darkest days of World War II. By the end of the War it had become the biggest-selling single of all time. Bing's recording hit the charts on Oct. 3, 1942, and rose to #1 on Oct. 31, where it stayed for an amazing 11 weeks. In the following years Bing's recording hit the top-30 pop charts another 16 times, even topping the charts again in 1945 and January of '47. The song remains Bing's best-selling recording, and the best-selling Christmas single of all-time.