Before I lay me down to sleep I pray to you on bended knees Wash my heart, my soul in love So I may fly to heaven one day On wings of angels high above.
Before I lay me down to sleep Wash my heart, my soul & mind Please teach me, and show me To love all...be kind.
 Teach and show me sweet Jesus As if I am made of potters clay Mold me and shape me as you will As I walk with you each day.
Keep me safe and ever warm tonight Under your beautiful moonlit skies As I look toward the stars in search And long so to see your loving eyes.
 Knowing your eyes are always on me Everything I do each day, you see And can feel your presence so close Your hand is on my heart endlessly.
And to you I pray with all my might Through this prayer to you I send For there to be peace, love tonight In each home, your love without end.

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