Spring Time Splendors Trisha Swartz The smell of fresh cut grass it is so nice it's drifting from the neighbors and reminds me of life. The Dogwood trees are all a bloom so big and beautiful like the Summer time moon. 
The birds are chirping they're happy to sing I guess they're happy it's finally Spring. The wind chimes are tinkling and I just love that sound and flowers a plenty popping out of the ground. Grass so green and the skies of blue and the beautiful mountains... my what a view! It is so pretty from where I'm sitting things to do but I keep forgetting. 
I'm to distracted from the beauty of Spring lost in my thoughts I start to dream. Dreams so sweet you don't want to wake and when you do it's getting late. Things to do now I can't seem to remember I'm lost in my daydreams and Spring time splendors! © April 22, 2006 Trisha Swartz Trisha's Treasures 
Photo: The beautiful old well is near my home beside the now closed Andersons General Merchandize store in near by Afton Virginia. The kitty was my own kittycat simply named "Kitty". The poem was written by my former next door neighbor Trisha.
