I stood there and looked at the old homeplace.
Tears streamed from my eyes, what a disgrace.
I couldn't believe it had fallen into such disrepair.
With no one to live there, no one to care.They warned me at the store back up the way,
No one had lived there since the 'old days.'
They didn't know it had been my home years ago,
I was raised there, but they didn't know.

Mom and Dad are gone, brothers and sisters too,
Only I am left, and I don't know what to do.
And yet as I stand and gaze at it,
I think of the big ol' table where we used to sit,
When Dad and Mom called all of us in,
To open God's word and learn about our sin.
About Jesus Christ who died on the cross,
And took our sin so we wouldn't be lost.

Dad taught us that it was a personal thing,
That we needed a relationship with "The King."
Down on my knees at the age of ten.
I asked Jesus into my heart, and He took my sin.
So that is why the tears flood my eyes,
And my heart is broken as I cry.
The saying, you can't go home again comes to mind,
As I turn to walk away, to leave the old house behind.

The memories I have in my heart,
Will always be there, they will never part.
Just as Jesus is there too
He will remain and see me through.
Written By Melva

In the small community where I live (Hermitage, Virginia) tucked away in a beautiful valley of the Blue Ridge mountains, we have no stores, no post office, no police department, but what we have is worth more than all of these. For miles around our old red barn is well known and given as a landmark when giving people directions to the Hermitage area. A special thank you to Melva for making me this graphic set of one of our communities fondest memories.
Visit another of our landmarks Corbins Little Country Store

Proverbs 22:28
Remove not the ancient landmark,
which thy fathers have set.