The Kingston Trio
Tom Dooley The Kingston Trio (1958) TOM DOOLEY: A Wilkes County Legend The year was 1868. In a fit of jealous rage, young Tom Dooley (most probably his real name was Tom Dulah) killed the love of his life, Laura Foster, in the Elkville Community of Wilkes County, North Carolina, now known as Ferguson. 
After a two-year trial, Dooley was hanged for the murder. His gravestone, worn by the elements for over a century has been chipped by souvenir hunters but can still be seen today in Ferguson. Laura Foster was buried in a pasture in German Hill in Caldwell County. ~Source Wikipedia  The Kingston Trio
Those Fabulous Fifties
The 50's, those were the days My friend And we truly did think they'd never end We had favorite place's where we'd go to hang out We thought we were sooo 'cool'~ without a doubt!
We loved the 'Malt Shop' where the gang all met On Saturday afternoon's, that date was set Then the drive inn movie on Saturday night Wearing our Levi's, our shirt collars tipped upright
The penny loafers were quite a treat A shinning new penny to display was so neat Or maybe you preferred the black and white's Both kind were cool, and both were 'alright'

The food was the best too, back then A hamburger and a malt, we didn't worry about being thin We'd never heard of a thing called saturated fat And if we hada', we'd a laughed and said, "Imagine that!"
We loved to put a quarter in the jukebox and play Our favorite songs that was popular those days For a quarter you could 'spin' three 45's Rock and roll was in, and that ain't no jive
Elvis was top's back then, and oh we loved him so A good looking guy, and the way he moved, he was a Pro! But we loved to dance to the ALL the songs of the day There in that little Malt Shop where we'd meet and play
 Friday night football games at home, and away Was something we looked forward to each and every day Lessons and learning should have been higher on our list Yet it wasn't often that our classes were missed
Homecoming King and Queen was top of the list More often than not it brought a stolen kiss Pep rallies were so much fun and eagerly planned To push our team on to excel and expand!
Sometimes I'd like to go back to the way it was then To relive those days with all my friends But alas, time has moved way on down the line Yet forever in my heart those days will be intertwined
 ©Melva Website *~* *~* *~* 
