Easter eggs painted by children astir
Waiting for Easter as the bunny appears
They dream of the baskets filled with candy and things
Some little toys that make their face gleam
Of coloring eggs in all different hues
Green, purple and yellow Pink, pastel and blue
They make them so pretty with different designs
Of rabbits and chickens and circles and lines

On some they put pictures all sticky with glue
And then write your name so it's only for you
Some go on egg hunts and look all about
And say "hey I found one" as they shout it out
On Easter eve as they crawl into bed
Dreaming of tomorrow what will the bunny bring
Then up in the morning with smiles on their faces
As they know he has come now must find the hiding place

Where he hid their baskets so they'd have to look
To make it more fun as they scurried about
Ahh, now they have them and are checking them out
To see what he brought them lots of candy no doubt
The fun and the laughter is just part of the day
Teach them of Jesus and how He did pay
That He died for us all and took all of our sins
And today and all days give their thanks to Him
For He is their Savior who loves them so true
Watches over them always
In Him they can trust

Teach them always be kind and do the right thing
To say their prayers daily as it makes His heart sing
For He is the reason that Easter is here
And He brings them joy all through the year
Yes that day is fun for the children each year
But teach them the meaning why Easter is here
They must understand what happened way back
To love their Lord Jesus and always give thanks.
Written by Judy N Marquart
April 4, 2004