Kneeling at her bedside
Heart filled with much to say
So few the words are hushed
As silently for her I prayed.
She lay so quiet and peaceful
Each breath a labor of love
Not ready yet to leave me
And journey to heaven above.

How do I say Goodbye to her
Selfish, Yet I wish for her to stay
Oh how I need your help my Lord
Help and ease us both our pain.

One by one falling so silently
Tears stain her linen of white
Knowing that she's soon to leave
On wings of angels through night.

Turning toward and looked at me
My Mother with a peaceful glow
Hushing my fears as always
Whispering.. Johnny I love you so.

"Please don't cry for me Johnny"
Life in this body can not sustain
But my spirit with you always will be
Only this flesh of body will not remain.

I'll soon be standing on heavens edge
Keeping safe watch where ever you are
Your Daddy and I again, hand in hand
Forever dwelling within your heart.

I'm going to be with your Daddy now
Into the light as I go please rejoice
Calling me, so gently he's calling
For I hear my Saviours sweet voice.

She lay again so quiet and peaceful
As her last breath she took so slow
Her eyes closed and smile appeared
As Daddy gently guided her home.

Please Do Not Copy
Poetry Written Exclusively
For John At Heavens Gates
~Kathy Stilley~

~Forever etched in my heart~
"Don't cry for me Johnny, I'm going to be with Daddy"
Mom's last words to me: November 27, 1985