The Covered Bridge by Elizabeth K. Fuller The covered bridge is standing yet A relic of the past, 'Twas built in"horse and buggy days" When life was not so fast. It's seldom now that wagon wheels-- The trotting of a horse Are heard within the covered bridge, The changing times, of course 
I once would boast that I could tell What farmer came to town By just the way his buggy squeaked, His horse's hoofs went down But now I see a streak of blue, Sometimes a streak of gray, An auto has passed through the bridge, Is speeding on its way. 
The bridge was once a haven On a rainy summer day The children in the neighborhood Would gather there to play. Sometimes 'twas "kitty corner" Sometimes 'twas "keeping school," A noisy bunch of youngsters Bent on breaking every rule. 
They went climbing up the latticework And hiding on the beams, Calling out to folks who passed And scaring all the teams. The boys would carve initials, Unite what names they pleased, And then look down in laughter Because the girls were teased 
But when excitement always reigned When circus bills were posted Roaring lions! Acrobats! All things the circus boasted. We studied on those circus bills Where daring stunts were shown And after painful practice Gave a circus of our own 
But now when children cross the bridge They're told to hurry through, And frightened into knowing What a speeding car might do. The covered bridge is standing yet And through its open portals The cars go dashing day and night, What chance have we poor mortals? 
Photos: The Bob White Covered Bridge a 80 foot covered bridge in southern Virginia over the Smith River was built in 1921. It served as a connection between Rt 8 and the Smith River Church of the Brethren on the south side of the river for more than half a century.