A special dedication to Joanne, my first date March 20 1959

Once in a while, Someones smile can still remind me of you, Or maybe just the way they have their hair, The way they walk or a little something they do.
I still remember, even today you and our first date,
Riding around that evening on that Cushman scooter,
Stopping at Tops Drive-Inn for a Sirlioner and a shake,

Breaking down and catching a ride with your friends,
In that beautiful red and white 1955 Ford convertible,
The memory of that first kiss I wish I could taste again.

Once in a while I can still feel your soft, caressing touch, The brush of your hand against mine your gentle kiss, So many years ago but I can still vision you so much. 
Once in a while I hope too maybe you think of moments I shared with you, A ride together, a walk, or just talking in the school hallway, A love so young, so innocent, so tender and so true. Maybe Just Once In A While.... ©John/Heavens Gates Written Sept. 2012 
