The Cabin Loree (Mason) O'Neil
There's a cabin in a meadow, Nestled close against the trees... Scraggly flowers still are growing, And wave gently in the breeze. The logs are weathered, far from new, Give off a pungent smell, From wood that's old, yet has withstood, Decades of years quite well. 
The craftsmanship speaks highly, Built by determined man... Who kept it's lines quite simple, Did not use a floor plan. By standing quiet and listening, I can almost hear him say, "My love this is your brand new home, It's here we'll always stay. 
The main room is for cooking, The view is down the hill... The fireplace will warm us, Against cold winter's chill. There's a tiny room just for us, That will hold a metal bed... Our kids will climb the ladder, To the loft that's overhead. 
They will sleep on feather pallets, That encase them in their down... There is space for all our laughter, But there's no room for a frown." I wonder who those people were, And where they may have gone... Still there is evidence of them, In cabin that stands strong. (c) 06/24/05 Loree (Mason) O'Neil 
The cabin photo is an old pioneer farm in the Blue Ridge National Park, Virginia at Humpback Rocks which has been preserved by the National Park Service.