"Before It's Too Late"

Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone Sometimes we wait far too long to say, "I'm sorry ...I was wrong" 
Why do we hurt the ones that is closest to our heart? Why do we allow our pride
to keep tearing us apart? 
I wonder if you think of me
when couples are strolling along, And do you ever hurt inside
when you hear our favorite song? 
And when it's very quiet as you sit there all alone... Do you remember my number
when you look over at the phone?
 What you wear in your heart, will show upon your face, Because memories of a true love, can never be replaced. 
I pray we will not leave this world
before saying what's in our heart. For life is short enough we know, to let pride keep us apart. 
I feel these words I must say, no longer can I wait. My voice must be heard today, "Before It's Too Late"
Ruth Ann Mahaffey Sep 7 1929 - Apr 24 2018
©Copyright, July 2002