As I lay upon my bed tonight, I had the strangest dream. That I was approaching Heaven, Oh! What an awesome scene.
There inside was a man alone, In a robe of Pure White. And all around him you could see, A radiant glowing light.

As I tried to step inside, He sadly shook his head. You can't come in my child, Because of the life you led.
You see, I tried to warn you, Time and time again. To give your heart and soul to me, But still you stayed the same.

You wanted worldly treasures, And all the worldly fame. But you had no time for me, To call upon MY name.
Now my child you must go back, Your chances are all gone. Heavens Gates will now be shut, And you do not belong.

I sadly lowered my head is shame, As the tears flowed down my face. I had it all in worldly goods, But not Gods Amazing Grace.
I began to tremble, then I awoke, And sat right up in bed. My heart cried out "Forgive Me LORD, For the life that I have led."

Now I have sweet peace within, With Jesus in my heart. And when I approach Heavens Gates Again, CHRIST will not say depart.
Written By Ann Hart (External Link) ©November, 2002
