From The Beautiful Shenandoah Valley, Virginia Heavens Gates Presents Take Me Back To The Fifties

|  Thank You Agnetha of Sweden for the Beautiful 50s Tags
~*~Taking You Back In Dreams To YesterYear's 1950s~*~ 

For those of you who love those "Nostalgic Oldies", Scroll down to ~Those Fabulous Fifties TV Shows~ and ~Those Fabulous Fifties Movies~ before you leave.And NOW OPEN.... Back 2 The Fifties Songs Full length 50's songs with fifties style graphics to take you back including photo of the artist and bio when available Also a complete section on Patsy Cline Relax and take a dreams test back to those ~Fabulous Fifties~ Poodle Skirts and Leather Jackets Optional Play The Remembering The 50s Fun Trivia Quiz 
Do you remember?
 Lisa's '53 Chevy Belair before her husband lowered her even more - both back and front. She's been first in her class in two Super Chevy Shows and also the recipient of the "Kustom Kemp of the Year 2003" Award
 The Roy Rogers Show (1952)
 (Remember When) 1950 Cropped and Lowered Mercury
 1956 Buick Special This is our baby, "Christine" still alive and well says owner Diane of North Scituate. "Oh, the memories she could share if she could talk!"
Remember when...... Decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo...." Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "do over!...." Catching fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening.... Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot.... Nobody was prettier than Mom.... Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better.... Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true.... Abilities were discovered because of a "double-dog-dare...." Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.... Baseball cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle....
 Every Boy and Girl wanted to be a "Mouseketeer"!
